Sunday, October 6, 2019

Case response Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Response - Case Study Example Chen’s contract is also running and offers him autonomy over operations in China and while he is willing to corporate with Denver on the required changes, he demands that change in his responsibility will need to be defined and Mia Foster has to decide on an action (Bartlett 1- 13). Foster has many options to consider but she should redefine Chen’s roles through a new contract and through mutual agreement with Chen. This is because of such factors as Chen’s willingness to work with the company, Chen’s commitment to success of the company, implications of Chen’s contract, demonstrated ability of Chen to ensure success of the business in China, and management competency of Chen to sustain the current stage of the company’s growth in China. Chen states that he is willing to continue working with the company, even after expiry of his current contract and this means a dedicated employee who should be retained, especially for his recognized output and to reduce possible costs of recruiting and training a new personnel, which may be a recurrent activity should a suitable replacement be hard to find. The fact that Chen has successfully spearheaded Levendary cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s expansion initiative also shows his commitment to the company’s goals and makes him an ideal asset. Denver’s office may not be comfortable with his initiatives but he implements these for the best interest of the organization and victimizing him for this would be unfair. With the realized success in China, noting that the company is almost breaking even in the region, Chen is likely to promote sustainability of Levendary in the region or in any other region and he should therefore not be forced out of the company. Chen’s contract als o grants him autonomy and this means that restricting his authority is a breach of contract. This entitles him to resign and take legal actions against the company and while apparent implications could

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